History of Money
from Ancient Times to the Present Day
by Glyn Davies
A Comparative Chronology of Money Inflation and the Pendulum Metatheory of Money
Origins of Money and of Banking
The use of money evolved out of deeply rooted customs as is shown by the study
of primitive forms of money, e.g. cattle, cowrie shells, whales teeth and manillas
(ornamental jewellery). The clumsiness of barter was merely one factor in the
development of money, and not the most important one. Banking was invented before
coins and reached a high level of sophistication in the Egypt of the Ptolomies.
Military conquests, such as those of Alexander the Great, spread the use of
coins which became the most convenient means of payment.
Warfare and Financial History
From blood money payments in primitive societies to the military-industrial
complex of the present day developments in warfare and finance have, unfortunately,
been closely connected. Even the word to pay comes from a Latin word meaning
to pacify. This essay covers conflicts from the wars between Ancient Greece
and Persia to World War II. Warfare played an important part in the spread of
the use of coinage and the invention of the national debt, while the adoption
of paper money in the West was both a cause of the American Revolution and a
means of financing it.
The Significance of Celtic Coinage
The Celts on the Continent and in parts of Britain produced large numbers of
coins before the Roman conquest. The Anglo-Saxon invasions put an end to minting
in Britain almost completely for nearly two hundred years and in Wales production
of coins did not become common until after the English conquest.
The Vikings and Money in England
Paying through the nose! The impact of Danegeld - history's best-known protection
racket! In an age when a penny was a substantial sum of money literally millions
of silver pennies were minted in England to buy off the Viking invaders. (This
essay is also available on originally the Viking Network for Schools, for which
it was originally written).
Money in North American History
The British colonies in North America were chronically short of coins and were
forced to use various substitutes including wampum, like the native inhabitants,
and tobacco. The enthusiastic adoption of paper money and its suppression by
the British was a factor in provoking the American revolution, which was financed
by hyperinflation. Ever since independence banking has been the subject of political
controversy and although the US emerged from the two World Wars as the dominant
superpower the US financial system may be in relative decline.
The Origins of the term Dollar and the Dollar Sign
The word "dollar" was used by Shakespeare and derives from "thaler"
the name of a European coin. An outline of the convoluted history of central
European thalers, Scandinavian dalers, the Spanish peso, the American dollar,
and dollars used in Britain and the British Empire, and in China.
Britain and European Monetary Union
Why is Britain sceptical? The pound Sterling has a very different history from
continental currencies. Other European countries have more experience with currency
unions, e.g. the Latin Monetary Union of 1861-1920, the Scandinavian Monetary
Union which lasted until 1924, and the Zollverein of 1834 which led to political
union between the German states. Furthermore the history of the pound sterling
goes back 1,300 years whereas most European currencies date back only to the
end of the Second World War since that conflict led to the destruction and reform
of their previous currencies. Consequently a change of currency would arouse
more suspicion in Britain than on the Continent.
Democracy and Government Control of the Money Supply
When coins were the predominant form of payment governments controlled minting.
The development of modern banking and paper money broke the government monopoly
of money creation and fostered the growth of democracy. Will the advent of electronic
money have a similar significance?
Third World Money and Debt in the Twentieth
Century Monetary Innovation in Historical Perspective
Original site: http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/llyfr.html
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